First Presbyterian Church

Mission and service is important here at First Presbyterian Church! Our “hands on” projects include a community Easter Egg Hunt, Meals on Wheels, School Supplies drive, First Responders Meal, Pumpkin Patch and Angel Tree to support the Mount Holly Community Relief Organization (CRO), Packing food boxes with the Mount Holly Farmer’s Market, Souper Bowl of Caring and our Little Free Library.
We seek to be a good community partner and are pleased to provide meeting space for a Girl Scout Troop, an Alcoholics Anonymous group and occasionally for others in need of space. We open our front lawn for all sorts of blow-up bouncy toys provided by the City of Mount Holly as part of “Food Truck Friday” events on Main Street.
Financial contributions are made to the CRO, 5 Cents a meal, denominational “One Great Hour of Sharing” and “Peace and Global Witness” offerings, Presbyterian Home for Children, Grandfather Home, as well as to our sister church in Guatemala.

We are a "Matthew 25 Church" in the PC(USA) committed to :
Building Congregational Vitality
Dismantling Structural Racism
Eradicating Systemic Poverty
Connect with Us
133 S. Main St.
Mount Holly, NC 28120
Mailing Address:
PO Box 687
Mount Holly, NC 28120
Church: office@fpcmountholly.com
Pastor: jdewater@fpcmountholly.com