First Presbyterian Church
Who We Are

​FPC is a community of just over 100 members where names are known and care is authentic. We welcome all “just as you are,” as together we worship and journey in God’s grace. We love the wiggles and giggles of children in our worship service and take delight as they lead us in the passing of the peace each Sunday. Our service is mostly traditional, though we frequently include new and creative elements.
We are a community that is eager to serve with the compassion and justice to which Jesus calls us. We study scripture and contemporary issues searching for faithful responses. Mission partnership is important to us, and we seek ways to be helpful and connected with the Mount Holly Community and many places where need exists.
We are a community that is still growing! We are eager, hopeful and excited to go where the Spirit is leading!
Want to learn more about the PC (USA) Church?
Connect with Us
133 S. Main St.
Mount Holly, NC 28120
Mailing Address:
PO Box 687
Mount Holly, NC 28120
Church: office@fpcmountholly.com
Pastor: jdewater@fpcmountholly.com