First Presbyterian Church
All are Welcome!
First Presbyterian Church is a warm and welcoming community and we invite you to worship with us! Come with your faith and your questions and join us as we seek God’s presence in our midst.
We Love Children!
Children are most welcome in our service, wiggles, giggles and all. There is a “Time with Children” at the beginning of the service, and activity bags are available for those who remain with us for the rest of the service. Care is provided for our youngest children on the lower level of the sanctuary building and the worship service is streamed to that room as well!
Worship Attire
Please come dressed in whatever fashion is comfortable to you – from suit and tie to jeans.
Our "Style" of Worship
Our service is a blend of traditional and contemporary music accompanied by organ, keyboard and/or guitar. We sing hymns, new and old as well as songs that one would hear from contemporary Christian artists.
Vintage Worship
While 2020 was a year of “pause” during the Covid-19 Pandemic, there were positive things that emerged from that time. One of which was the formation of our First Presbyterian Church Archives Committee, chaired by our resident historian, Jim Love. Their task – their large and ongoing task - is to organize and preserve the historical records and items of this congregation.The Historical Room itself was moved from the upper floor of the sanctuary building to the lower floor where more people would have access to see and enjoy the original pew and worship furnishing, as well as the many pictures and documents that are now being sorted and preserved both physically and digitally.The first very large task that was undertaken by the committee was the digitization of 78 reel to reel tapes of worship services dating from 1956 to 1978. Leo Fuller spent hours and hours to complete this project and we are grateful for the time and expertise he devoted to this! We are pleased to provide the audio of some of those tapes and hope you enjoy some listening to worship services from years gone by! Additional services will be added here from time to time so keep checking!
Tape 36 September 7, 1969
In 2019 we were very pleased to have completed renovations to our sanctuary building to provide better access. A lift was installed between the lower level meeting rooms and the sanctuary level above. An accessible restroom was installed on the lower level as well.To enter our sanctuary without having to negotiate any stairs, park in the lot behind the sanctuary in the reserved spots. Follow the sidewalk that goes between our two buildings and enter the first door on the right. Once inside, follow the hallway to the left. Both the restroom and the lift will be at the end of the hallway on the right.
Special Services
Throughout the year we have special worship services such as a simple soup supper and worship on Ash Wednesday, a Service of Healing and Wholeness” near the Christmas holiday, and the affectionately named “Donut Sundays” when we worship around tables in the Fellowship Hall.
The Sunday after Easter is observed as “Holy Humor Sunday,” when we wear bright or silly attire and enjoy a festive, joyful and slightly silly worship service based on the musings of early theologians and the tradition of “Bright Sunday!”
Connect with Us
133 S. Main St.
Mount Holly, NC 28120
Mailing Address:
PO Box 687
Mount Holly, NC 28120
Church: office@fpcmountholly.com
Pastor: jdewater@fpcmountholly.com